amacrine cell




  1. In the retina of RCS rats, GABA-like immunoreactivity was observed in the inner plexiform layer, few GABA-ergic amacrine cells and the ganglion cell layer.
  2. This study was aimed to examine the relationship between dendrites of direction-selective ( DS) ganglion cell and processes of starburst amacrine cell in rabbit retina and to see how the dendritic interaction could contribute to the DS mechanism.
  3. NPY-IR amacrine cells predominantly received synaptic input from bipolar cell axon terminals ( 86%), while a few input from other amacrine cell processes ( 14%).
  4. The distribution, number and size of displaced amacrine cells ( dACs) were studied using Nissl staining, retrograde cell degeneration with axotomy of the optic nerve, and image analysis by a computer in the retina of chick ( posthatching day 30, P30).
  5. As for ultrastructure, quantitative analysis showed that NPY-IR amacrine cell processes were most often presynaptic to NPY negative amacrine cell processes ( 49.7%) and ganglion cell dendrites ( 49.3%).
  6. Amacrine cells receive the input from bipolar cell, and through the lateral projection to influence the ganglion cells 、 bipolar cells and other non-amacrine cells in the around.